Wednesday, May 30, 2018


What I was supposed to do What I got done
Apply Textures, water and trees in Unity

Tuesday, May 29, 2018


What I was supposed to do What I got done
Start Unity Game Design
  1. Created a user id
  2. Created a new project
  3. Imported Assets (environment, camera and character
  4. Insert Terrain

    1. Paint Height Brush
    2. Used Raise Terrain
    3. Smooth Terrain
  5. Inserted a Character

Monday, May 21, 2018


What I was supposed to do What I got done
Video Editing in Adobe Premiere
We went around to different programs to film graduation video.
Once back in the classroom we set-up the Premiere project in our student folders, imported the clips, we set in/out points to mask unneeded video at the beginning and end of video, dragged to the timeline and used the razor tool to cut-out middle parts and ripple delete, then we adjusted color, added video transitions and finally outputted the file using the H.264

Thursday, May 17, 2018