Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Pumpkin Project, News Story

What I was supposed to do What I got done
Finish Pumpkin Project Applied Stamp Filter, Changed blending mode to multiply. Printed, cut and put on display.

Edit News Story Video
  1. Create a folder in your D-Drive for the "News Story"
  2. Copy video clips into that folder
  3. Open Premiere and create a new project named "News Story" and assign the location to the folder created in the D-Drive
  4. Import the clips from the D-Drive into the Premiere Project
  5. Double-Click clips to view in Source Window. Create In/Out points
  6. Drag to timeline
  7. File->Export Media

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Premiere Video Editing, Pumpkin Project

What I was supposed to do What I got done

  • Finish Premiere Demonstration

  • Reviewed project set-up 
  • working on the local drive for better performance.
  • Added in/out points
  • Used the razor to trim
  • applied brightness/contrast effect
  • added text
  • exported as .MP4

  • Pumpkin Project

  • Took a "Scary Face" photo in studio
  • Organized files
  • Imported the photo and pumpkin picture into Photoshop
  • Masked the face and sized it to fit onto the pumpkin

Monday, October 16, 2017

Parallax Project, Video Editing

What I was supposed to do What I got done
Finish Parallax Project/Submit in Classroom
Added title, Exported as a video. Submitted in Classroom and Community

Video Editing in Premiere
Project set-up, imported the video clip, used "In/Out" points to mask out unwanted parts of the video at the beginning and end.
Finished by export media as .MP4
Here is the start of it.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Parallax Project

What I was supposed to do What I got done
Finish the Parallax Project Used the timeline panel in Photoshop to create keyframes and transfrom the size of the person and the landscape background.
Some images needed to be converted to Smart Objects in order to do so.
We added audio by converting YouTube Videos
We added text with a stroke and made it animate to get bigger
Finally, we exported the video as an .MP4 at low quality so it would upload here.


Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Parallax Project

What I was supposed to do What I got done
  1. Have "long shot" photo taken in studio
  2. Create Parallax Video in Photoshop

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Catch-Up, Group Combination

What I was supposed to do What I got done
Catch-Up on Missing Work Submitted Portrait Restoration

Group Photo Combinations

Used edit-Align to match-up placement
Used masking to hide faces